Contact Us
Hospital of the Infant Jesus Medical Center
1556 Laong Laan corner Gov.
Forbes, Sampaloc, Manila
Tel: (+632) 87312771-76
HMO Direct Line: (+632) 87312832
Hospital of the Infant Jesus Medical Center (HIJMC) supports the right to privacy of individuals, while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth and to protect life and health. It includes the rights to control dissemination of personal data or information that describes people, their choices, or life experiences. The hospital takes these activities seriously and we value you as well as the security and privacy of your personal information and Protected Health Information (PHI).
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. We recommend you to read and review this privacy notice so that you will understand our approach towards the use of your personal data.
We guarantee that the hospital operates in compliance with Republic Act No. 10173 known as the Data Privacy Act 0f 2012.
By submitting your personal data with us, you consent to the processing of your personal data and accept and agree to be bound by the terms stated in this notice. Rest assured that your personal data entrusted to us will not be used and disclosed in any manner that violates the rights under Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Our hospital collects the following data:
The Personal Identification Information is necessary to enable us to:
The Hospital of the Infant Jesus comes out with reasonable measures and system changes to maintain and ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data.
Disclosure or sharing of personal data only after the following criteria for lawful processing of Sensitive Personal Information has been met:
1. Consent – we will not share your personal data to a third party without your permission unless we are mandated by law, legal proceedings or regulation.
2. Life & Health – when there is a need to protect life and health
3. Medical Treatment – we will share your personal data only to medical professionals who are involved in your medical treatment. We may have data sharing with other medical institutions or diagnostic clinics involved for your care as long as you authorized them.
4. Lawful rights & interests in court proceedings/legal claims
In the Data Privacy Act of 2012, you have the following rights:
Our company keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page.
If you have concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Hospital of the Infant Jesus Medical Center
1556 Laong Laan corner Gov.
Forbes, Sampaloc, Manila
Tel: (+632) 87312771-76
HMO Direct Line: (+632) 87312832