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Hospital of the Infant Jesus Medical Center
1556 Laong Laan corner Gov.
Forbes, Sampaloc, Manila
Tel: (+632) 87312771-76
HMO Direct Line: (+632) 87312832
The Hospital of the Infant Jesus is a private hospital with an authorized bed capacity of one hundred forty (140). The hospital begun as a two storey building located on Dimasalang Street, named Clinic of the Infant Jesus; established on September 20, 1961 primarily for pediatric patients. By 1965, two floors were added to the building, increasing its bed capacity from sixteen to fifty.
On May 22, 1968, a new four (4) story building was constructed and subsequently named Hospital of the Infant Jesus, a Special Tertiary Care Hospital located at 1556 Laong Laan St., Sampaloc, Manila. . In 1974, the old building located at Dimasalang was sold and proceeds was used to finance additional two floors of the existing building at Laong Laan.
Dr. Rolando S. Songco/Pediatrician managed the Hospital. In 1984, Child Care Inc., a family corporation was formed to managed the growing Hospital. Although majority of the patients were pediatric, trends showed an increasing number of adult patients served by the Hospital. Medical consultants who had since joined the hospital staff, necessitated departmentalization into anesthesiology, pediatrics otorhinolaryngology, and surgery. The laboratory medicine, pharmacy and department of radiology had already been in place. It was in 1987 the Department of Health upgraded the hospital category to that of general tertiary hospital
In 1993, a group of mostly physicians practicing in the Hospital, joined Child Care Inc., Dr. Songco served as President and Chief Executive Officer; the family continues to hold majority stock in the said corporation.
By 1994, a new six storey building was constructed located on AH Lacson St., (formerly Gov. Forbes) adjacent to the Laong Laan building. The new building afforded the addition of new patient services like CT Scan, Fluoroscopy, Eye Center, Rehabilitation Medicine, Metabolic Center and Calories, the food outlet managed by the Dietary Services. It allowed for a bigger space for the operating and delivery rooms and intensive care unit.
On Oct 2011, Dr Songco fell ill and was in comatose for almost year. He died a year later. With the hospital industry on a downward trend due to high operating cost, the siblings decided to sell their shares. There were numerous interested buyers but it was awarded to the group headed by Dr. Eduardo L Pardinas / ophthalmologist. The new management took control July 2013 up to the present where rehabilitation works are on going.
The new management effected the following changes:
Hospital of the Infant Jesus Medical Center
1556 Laong Laan corner Gov.
Forbes, Sampaloc, Manila
Tel: (+632) 87312771-76
HMO Direct Line: (+632) 87312832